The Equine Spirit Sanctuary was the vision of several people who saw the need for an equine rescue in northern New Mexico. We also realized the value of offering a sanctuary for people. We have experienced the healing qualities of being around horses and the unique therapies - physical, emotional and spiritual - that horses provide
We are a small horse rescue, trying to help as many arabians and horses as we can. While we do travel nationally to help where needed, the fact does not change, that we are small!
To protect, conserve, and responsibly manage the herd of wild Colonial Spanish Mustangs roaming freely on the northernmost Currituck Outer Banks, and to promote the continued preservation of this land as a permanent sanctuary for horses designated as the State Horse and defined as a cultural treasure by the state of North Carolina.
The mission of Sky Mountain Wild Horse Sanctuary begins with providing refuge where mustangs live wild and free. We seek to foster humane treatment of wild life and a conservation ethic through research, action, and education. We at Sky Mountain Wild Horse Sanctuary believe that through creating connections between wildlife, wild habitat, and humans, a better world is possibl
Welcome to Color of Ages.
I believe art is an edifying freedom and my art’s hope is to inspire, be inspired, and encourage the will to gift on. “Explore the colors of You” and enjoy life unlimited.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.” Philippians 2:13
Equine Fine Art